
2nd edition of The van der Waals/London Discussions

A workshop for the scientific community interested in non-covalent (van der Waals / London) interactions, featuring discussion of current areas of research including development of new methods, long-range interactions description by machine learning, experimental techniques in materials or molecular systems, and corresponding datasets.

About The Event

About the Conference

The vdW/L Discussions are conceived as a forum for scientists committed to the development of new theoretical, fundamental, methodological, instrumental and metrologic ways to characterize and study noncovalent interactions. As such it is an interdisciplinary forum that gives spaces for thorough discussions and debates around recent results, issues and emerging concepts.


Université de Luxembourg, Luxembourg Campus Limpertsberg


Wednesday to Friday
15-17 October

Previous Conference

The van der Waals - London Discussions Strasbourg 2023

Sessions Overview

This workshop is designed to foster lively discussions and the exchange of ideas, with the following session formats:

    Invited Talks: 25-minute presentations followed by 15 minutes of discussion, providing in-depth insights and engaging dialogue.

    Contributed Talks: 10-minute presentations with 10 minutes of discussion, offering opportunities to share and refine emerging ideas.

    Poster Session: An interactive space to showcase ongoing research, spark conversations, and collaborate with peers.

Abstract submissions for contributed talks and posters will open in March.


• Experimental techniques

• vdW/L in materials

• vdW/L in (bio)molecular systems

• Long-range interactions description by machine learning

• Long-range interactions datasets

Invited Speakers

Invited speakers are being contacted and will appear as they accept invitations.

Speaker 1

Prof. Dr. Christoph Bannwarth

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Speaker 2

Prof. Dr. Berta Fernández Rodríguez

University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Speaker 3

Dr. Wei Liu

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, China

Speaker 4

Prof. Dr. Ángel Martín Pendás

University of Oviedo, Spain

Speaker 5

Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Djukic

University of Strasbourg, France

Speaker 6

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Bistoni

University of Perugia, Italy

Speaker 7

Prof. Dr. Melanie Schnell

Christian Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany

Speaker 8

Prof. Dr. Péter R. Nagy

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Speaker 12

Prof. Dr. Robert Pollice

University of Groningen, Netherlands

Speaker 9

Dr. Mariana Rossi

Max Planck Institute for Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Germany

Speaker 10

Dr. Matteo Gori

University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Speaker 11

Dr. Ariadni Boziki

University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Speaker 12

Prof. Dr. Xiaofei Liu

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Speaker 13

Prof. Dr. Ganna Gryn'ova

University of Birmingham, UK

Speaker 14

Prof. Dr. Sason Shaik

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Speaker 13

Dr. Dzmitry Firaha

Avant-garde Materials Simulation, Germany

Conference Schedule


Opening words Prof. Dr. Alexandre Tkatchenko

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Coffe break

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Poster session

Day clossing

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Coffe break

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.


Invited speaker. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Coffe break

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Conference dinner

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Coffe break

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.


Invited speaker. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Invited speaker. To be determined.

Coffe break

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Contributed talk. To be determined.

Conference clossing

Conference Venue

Campus Limperstberg, Luxembourg

Bâtiment des Sciences 0.03,
162a Av. de la Faiencerie,
1511 Limpertsberg Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Plan your trip in Luxembourg: mobiliteit.lu


A non-exhaustive suggestion of nearby hotels

Hotel 1

Hotel Parc Belle-Vue

2.4 Km from the Venue

Hotel 1

Hotel Parc Plaza

2.6 Km from the Venue

Hotel 1

Novotel Luxembourg Kirchberg

3 Km from the Venue

Hotel 1

Hostellerie du Grünewald

3 Km from the Venue

Hotel 1

Hotel Stand'Inn

16 Km from the Venue



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Our team

Image 1
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Tkatchenko

Université de Luxembourg

Image 2
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Djukic

Université de Strasbourg

Image 3
Mirela Puleva

Université de Luxembourg

Image 4
Sergio Suárez Dou

Université de Luxembourg